HI_TECH Engineering

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Ordering a project to build GIS (Geographical Information System) in Y…

페이지 정보

작성자 하이테크엔지니어링
댓글 0건 조회 1,575회 작성일 05-03-31 17:36


Hi-Tech Engineering has won the "Yeosu National Industrial Complex
Geographic Information System (GIS) Construction Project" being promoted by
Yeosu City by forming a consortium with Ssangyong Information and Communication.

  The project, worth about 4 billion won, is aimed at establishing an
efficient management system for ground and underground facilities and
preventing safety accidents by establishing a geographic information system (GIS)
for 1008km owned by 29 companies in Yeosu National Industrial Complex,
Korea's largest heavy and chemical industrial complex.

  In particular, as the GIS system is built on a web-based basis unlike the existing system,
it will have a VPN-based user security system for ensuring data connection with the pre-built
C/S-based GIS system in Yeosu and security for external access users.

  Through this project, it is possible to systematically manage various dangerous facilities
(oil delivery pipe, gas delivery pipe, chemical delivery pipe, etc.) and to improve public service
through advancement of safety accident response and prevention efficient facility management method.


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