ISO 45001 : 2018 (OHSAS 18001)
Accreditation Scope
Project Management, Preliminary Feasibility Study, Engineering, Design, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning for Plant(Refinery, Petrochemical, General Chemical, Environmental and Industrial Plants included), Civil, Architecture, Steel Structure, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical, Instrument and Fire-Fighting Works
- Validity Period : March 3,2021 to March 2, 2024
- Certification authority : DNV GL-Business Assurance
Quality Management Policy
1. Health & Safety activities is our top priority from all of our management decision makings and activities.
2. We will do our best of our responsibilities for the development of safe work environment that the danger and risks of accident is removed though the risk evaluation that is analyzed by systematic and measurable ways, and consistent safety improvement activities.
3. We will share the directions that reflect the analyzed result of the performance of health & safety activities with all of the executives and staff members together with all the stakeholders and will accomplish the core capability reinforcement and purpose of health & safety management system.
4. We improve and control the health & safety improvement activities of the executives and staff members of the partner companies through the integrated health & safety system of Hi-Tech Eng.
5. We will do our utmost to be a company that fulfills social community development and social responsibility and holding our ends by following the health & safety related regulations.