ISO 9001 : 2015
Accreditation Scope
Project Management, Preliminary Feasibility Study, Engineering, Design, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning for Plant(Refinery, Petrochemical, General Chemical, Environmental and Industrial Plants included), Civil, Architecture, Steel Structure, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical, Instrument and Fire-Fighting Works
- Validity Period : July 21,2021 to July 20, 2024
- Certification authority : DNV GL-Business Assurance
Quality Management Policy
1. We provide the best products and services that can increase the satisfaction of the customers by identifying the internal & external issues and risks and practicing and considering the quality improvement as the first priority during the services and supporting processes of all of the activities, type of works and products.
2. We make the continuous improvement happen by monitoring the performance of the quality continuously and developing & practicing the effective quality management programs.
3. We secure the transparency for the quality management activities by establishing the communication system with the customers and other stakeholders, and collecting the feedback, and providing the information