ISO 14001 : 2015
Accreditation Scope
Project Management, Preliminary Feasibility Study, Engineering, Design, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning for Plant(Refinery, Petrochemical, General Chemical, Environmental and Industrial Plants included), Civil, Architecture, Steel Structure, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical, Instrument and Fire-Fighting Works
- Validity Period : March 3,2021 to March 2, 2024
- Certification authority : DNV GL-Business Assurance
Consideration of the Environmental Impact
We check the harmful effects to the environment first and remove or minimize them during the whole process of design, material procurement and construction at site.
Establishment of Risk Analysis
We identify, classify and analyse the cause of the risks during the whole design, procurement and construction at site processes and take the counter measures and minimize the risks as much as possible.
Satisfaction of the environment related laws and requirements
We are doing our utmost to follow the environmental laws of corresponding country and the requirements of the customers and local residents. In order for this, we prepare the environment regulation control register and provide the education regularly.
Environmental management
We establish the effective construction site environmental administration system and prevent the environmental issues in advance through the cyclic check (daily/ weekly/ monthly) of the site.
Review of the performance and improvement
We review the operation performance and effectiveness of environmental administration by holding conference of environmental administration committee and improve it continuously for higher performance level.