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LG Daesan Petrochemical 3D Modeling & 2D CAD project service contract

페이지 정보

작성자 하이테크엔지니어링
댓글 0건 조회 1,662회 작성일 05-05-17 10:08


The company won a 3D Modeling & 2D CAD-based PROJECT service from
GS E&C for LG Daesan Oil Refinery NCC Plant.

  This project is expected to be part of the LG Daesan Oil painting expansion project
and to establish a basic environment that can predict and supplement problems expected
in the future design and construction process in advance, and through this, it is expected
to play a role in performing the most economical and efficient REVAMPING PROJECT.

  The project will be carried out using PDMS, a 3D tool that was introduced in 2001 and
accumulated technology development and know-how.


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